美国版《厨神当道》联想-雅思口语Part1 Topic: Cooking
2018-10-28 正领国际教育

“民以食为天”,相信大家对吃肯定是感兴趣的!今天Franklin老师就要给大家推荐一档烧菜真人秀节目:Master Chef (厨神当道)。我个人觉得要想迅速提高口语,关键还是在于学会更多地道的表达方式。而真人秀与美剧相比,更贴近生活,也更容易抓到native expressions。


Ingredients 食材

E.g: You must get fresh ingredients in order to make a great dish.

Apron 围裙

Michelin star chef 米其林星级厨师

The most talented chef on this planet. 这个星球上最具才华的厨师


E.g: I believe my mum is the most talented chef on this planet, and she can not only make tasty food, but also her plating is like Michelin star chef.

Stunning dish 极好的一道菜

Delicious  好吃  (这个词我们接下来会进行主要的替换)

Second nature  第二天性

E.g: As a Chinese, cooking Chinese food is really my second nature.

Perfectly cooked 烧得完美

Amazing 令人惊讶的好




Mouth-watering 令人流口水

From the heaven  来自天堂的味道 (这个比喻在厨神小当家里面可以经常听到)

Open up my pellet 打开了我的味蕾

Finger-licking good 舔手指般的好吃(来自麦当劳的广告语)   


Kung Pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁 (老外很喜欢的一道菜,sweet and sour, sometime a bit spicy, but it tastes just right)

Xia Chu Fang,which is an app teaching us to cook different dishes.  下厨房app (Franklin在老婆怀孕后期,用这个app做了很多美味的菜肴,老婆赞不绝口,建议大家都试试,可以让你爱的人更爱你)

Recipe  菜谱

Cooking show 烧菜节目 (Master Chef就是很好的例子,reality show会比一般的cooking show 更好看,因为有淘汰和竞争)

好了,今天的分享差不多就到这里了,接下来请大家运用一些好的表达,来回答以下5个关于cooking 的问题:

Is it difficult to cook Chinese food for you?

Do you want to learn how to cook?

Who taught you how to cook?

Do you like cooking?

Have you ever cooked?

大家不要忘了回家好好看看这个烧菜真人秀,除了可以准备Part 1关于cooking的话题,还可以准备一个Part 2话题:让人笑的电视节目,所谓一石二鸟。

Until next time, bye

上一篇:雅思口语利器Powerful Spoken Idioms (1-30) 下一篇:雅思口语Part 3之City